In this post you'll read about how timing and penalties work at SVWAA, what to expect going into your season, and how to avoid penalties. If you're a new instructor or new to our circuit, this article will helpful as you approach competition season.
In the SVWAA Handbook, there is a Timing Requirements table that provides details about timing requirements for each class for both guard and percussion. See below.

When choosing the soundtrack or music to your show, take a moment to make sure the music can accommodate the timing requirements. For example, if you have a guard in the Regional A Class, you'll want to be sure the music is at minimum 3 minutes long and at maximum 4.5 minutes. Then check that your equipment entrance choices give you at least 3 minutes worth of equipment time.
A few things that could cause a penalty:
1. Setting down the equipment too soon.
2. Picking up equipment too late into the show resulting in less than the requirement.
3. Not meeting minimum time requirement.
4. Taking up more than the interval time to set up and get past the 50/50 line.
If you check all the boxes, you can be sure to avoid a penalty. If you do get a penalty, you can view your timing details after a show. To do so, log in to your Competition Suite account on a browser. The app does not provide this information. Once logged in on a browser, click on "Group Summary" for any show. It may also appear as "View Score Summary". There you will see a full report with your timing information included at the bottom. You can also ask for a Timing & Penalty sheet at the conclusion of the show. Our T&P judge makes one for each group and will have them available at the SVWAA table.
Best of luck!