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Our mission is to provide performance opportunities to winter ensembles from local high schools and middle schools in the Southern San Joaquin Valley. We are a circuit of integrity, ran by our own members to serve our students and colleagues in an inclusive way. We welcome you and your ensembles to join us. Please join our email list to receive updates and information throughout the year.

Eric Ramirez

Director of Bands
Hanford West High School

Vice President
Jose Ledesma

Torres High School


Ruben Amavisca

Exeter High School

Arriyanna Hernandez

Hanford West High School

Colorguard Reps
Mercedes Trejo, Fresno Unified Schools
Andreas Montejano, Redwood High School
Junior High Rep
Ariell Ompad, Justin Garza High School
Percussion Reps
Oddie Lambert, Mt Whitney High School
Ariell Ompad, Firebaugh
 Middle School
Social Media Reps
Frank Hernandez, Lemoore High School
Kyah Hill, 
Judge Coordinators:
Mark Hammons, Percussion

Carl Nelson, Guard
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